Curious About Our Experience? Our Case Results Speak for Themselves. Read How We've Helped People Just Like You
Just about every personal injury law firm site includes a "results" section. Sometimes we think it should be called a "bragging" section, with huge numbers to impress potential clients. People hire us to get results, but the real value of the results section is the story of each case. These client stories show you what we do, how we do it, and who we work with. That can help you decide where to go with your case.
But also remember this:
Every case is different, and just because we obtained a certain result for one client, does not guarantee we can achieve the same result for you. That is the “disclaimer” that we must give, and it’s not just the fine legal print. It’s important to know.
Something else to remember:
Some results we are most proud of are not the largest dollar recoveries. A significant money recovery is important because it gives our client the resources to move on from a life changing injury. But the dollars only tell part of the story. The best result is when we make lasting positive change for our client.
So when you look at these results, look at the story each case tells.
Joe Di Bartolomeo
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Treating Physician Report Helps Client With Disability ClaimDisability Benefits Granted
Hip Injury Causes Low Back Problems; Injured Worker Wins AppealWorkers' Compensation benefits granted for low back condition from prior hip injury
Rear End Collision Causes Lumbar Injury and Need for SurgeryPolicy Limits Settlement, Reduction of Reimbursement to Health Care Plan
Mother and Daughter Injured by Drunk Driver in Head On CollisionMaximum Recovery for Liability and Underinsured Motorist Claims
Log Truck Driver, Collision: Underinsured Motorist ClaimThird Party Claim, Underinsured Motorist Claim Resolved Before Arbitration
Workers' Comp. Claims Resolved: Lifetime of Low Back ProblemsSettlement of Multiple Workers' Compensation Claims
Case Report: Seriously Injured Pedestrian Recovers Maximum Available Compensation, Negotiates LiensLiability and Policy Limits Recovery
Social Security Disability Claim Approved for Multiple ConditionsBenefits Awarded at Hearing
A Late Diagnosis Helped Us Prove Our Client's Social Security Disability ClaimDisability Award, Retroactive Benefits, and Medicare Coverage
Oregon Workers' Compensation Denial Set Aside: All Claimed Low Back Conditions ProvenSet Aside of Oregon Workers' Compensation Claim Denial
Client Overcomes Several Medical Conditions, Proves Closed Period of Disability and Triumphant Return to WorkSocial Security Retroactive Disability Approved for Closed Period of Disability
Claim Against Municipality For Slip and Fall Resolved Through Mediation; Expert Site Investigation Avoids Court DismissalMediated Settlement and Reduction of Health Plan's Claim for Reimbursement
Judge Rules Work Injury, Not Arthritis, Caused Lower Back Disc InjuryOrder Setting Aside Claim Denial
Social Security Result: Heart Disease Proven DisablingSocial Security Disability: Heart Disease, emphasyma, and subdural hematoma
Pedestrian Injury: $36,790 Recovered, UIM Claim Pending$36,790 Settlement for low back injury in pedestrian v. auto case, UIM case pending
Insured Ordered to Pay Over $12,000.00 in PenaltiesPenalty to Worker: $12,268
Underinsured Motorist Arbitration Yields Additional RecoveryUnderinsured Motorist Arbitration Result: $87,180.00
Workers' Compensation: Serious Injury Occurred on the JobWorker's injuries occurred on the job. Insurance company ordered to pay benefits.
Retail Employee Prevails on Workers' Compensation ClaimDenied Claim Set Aside by Workers' Compensation Board Hearings Division
Denied Claim Accepted Day Before Hearing, But . . .Denied Workers' Compensation Claim Accepted The Day Before Hearing