SSI is also known as "Supplemental Security Income," or Title XVI benefits. SSDI is known as "Social Security Disability Insurance," or Title II benefits. Both of these programs require proof of "disability," but the source of payment distinguishes the two programs.
Social Security Disability Insurance is a disability insurance program. If you meet the definition of a "disability," then you are entitled to insurance benefits. The benefit amount is based upon your past earnings, and whether you're "insured" at the time your disability began.
Supplemental Security Income benefits are a federal welfare benefit, and in addition to proving you are disabled, you must show that you meet the income and resource limitations set out in the statute, rules and policies. Generally, any "income" that you receive, whether or not it is earned, read results in a dollar per dollar reduction in your monthly benefit. Also, if you are "resources" exceed two thousand dollars for an individual, then you are not eligible for SSI benefits. The determination of whether you meet the "non-disability" requirements for SSI is made at the local branch level.
Do you have questions about your disability application and SSI or SSDI? Call us at 503-325-8600. We answer these questions every day.