There has been significant media attention to the Social Security Disability program, and its overall health since a recent 60 Minutes Story that painted the program as overwhelmed with fraud, and on the brink of disaster. However, these media reports have been criticized by all manner of media, not just the ultra-left or ultra-right usual suspects. A recent survey finds that public opinion supports the program as well.
This recent poll, conducted at the end of September and beginning of October, finds that the majority of likely voters support Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, and think there are other programs that should be targeted for federal budget cuts. Unlike so many issues of the day, there is no split along party lines. 75% of Republicans agreed that Congress would better serve its constituents by looking elsewhere to reduce federal spending. Here are some other key numbers:
- Overall, 83% of voters agree it would be unfair to cut disability insurance benefits to working Americans who paid into that benefit
- 80% surveyed generally support the disability insurance program
- 77% agreed that it makes better sense to look at other Federal programs to make budget cuts.
This survey took place between the end of September and the beginning of October. Also impressive is that interviews were conducted on land lines and mobile phones, making for a more representative sample. Most respondents consider themselves conservative.
So seldom, good public policy comes from accurate information. Recent media reports have criticized the current Disability Insurance system, but good, accurate information suggests that while the program needs some adjustments, it is not falling from the sky.
The fact is that Social Security Disability benefits are part of an insurance program that working Americans pay into with every paycheck. It is just like a private disability plan, that insures working Americans if they are no longer able to work due to health jobs. For younger workers, this means not only being disabled from your job, but from any gainful employment.
To learn more about the truth behind disability claims, order our free book here, or give us a call at 503 325 8600. We work with disability applicants every day.