Injured Loggers in Oregon Deserve Full Compensation Working in the woods can be dangerous, even if you are an experienced choker setter, yarder, chaser, faller, or hook tender. Because Oregon still has a lot of logging, many logging accidents in publically and privately owned forests continue to still occur.

Forest owners typically contract out different jobs, which is why there are multiple companies working in the same area. Unfortunately, mistakes can occur in any step in the logging process. If you have been injured in a logging accident, you will have a workers’ compensation claim; however, Oregon workers’ compensation benefits are very limited. This is why many injured loggers pursue employer liability law claims against the negligent contractors involved.

When you are injured and cannot work, you need to get full compensation. Because the laws are complex, it is best to turn to an experienced attorney who has successfully represented injured loggers and construction workers who have been harmed on the job. Call the Di Bartolomeo Law Office for a free consultation today at 503-325-8600 or contact us online at

Joe Di Bartolomeo
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