How Does Oregon Workers’ Comp Work? If you have suffered an injury on the job—no matter how the workplace accident occurred—you know that you deserve workers’ compensation benefits. However, many injured workers have been denied benefits and don’t understand how the workers’ compensation system in Oregon works.

When faced with a workers’ comp claim, don’t be surprised if your claim gets denied or you are offered a settlement that doesn’t reflect the full value of your injury. After representing injured workers in Astoria, along the coast, and throughout Oregon, I have seen first-hand the issues people have with the workers’ compensation system. Unfortunately, the system is complex and doesn’t make a lot of sense.  This is why I wrote a book to answer your questions and help you avoid the mistakes that could cost you your claim.

For a free copy of Navigating the Oregon Workers’ Compensation Maze, you can download it off the website or you can call us for a complimentary hard copy. You can also get your questions answered by calling us for a free consultation at 503-325-8600

Joe Di Bartolomeo
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