Three Trucking Firms Cited for Several Violations After Fatal Collision

A recent fatal collision involving a tractor-trailer and passenger car prompted the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to conclude that three South Carolina based trucking companies are imminent hazards to public safety. As result, the companies, one a self-owned driver, must immediately stop any interstate commercial activity.

One of the companies employed a trucker who was prohibited from operating any commercial motor vehicles. The driver crossed the centerline of a state highway, and killed an oncoming driver. The truck driver was charged with driving without a license, reckless driving, operating a commercial motor vehicle while disqualified, and possession of alcohol.

After the fatal collision, federal investigators found that the trucking company was not documenting that its drivers were qualified to operate commercial motor vehicles, determining that one employee had been convicted of possession of marijuana while on the job, and another driver was not medically qualified to operate a commercial vehicle.

Interstate trucking firms cross state lines, and as a result, must abide by federal statutes and rules governing the qualification of drivers, equipment, and hours of service. In this particular case, the trucking companies were based out of the Southeast, but were transporting freight in the Southwest. Located in the Northwest Oregon, we have handled cases involving injuries as a result of careless truckers from out of state.  Trucking collision cases bring unique issues, and if you have questions regarding an injury claim involving a commercial truck, call us at 503-325-8600. We have experience handling cases against commercial trucking firms.

Joe Di Bartolomeo
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